YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB (Even if You Can't See it NOW)

If you are reading this, you are probably feeling defeated with your training efforts. That is OKAY! Just because things are not moving fast enough, or your dog is not picking up tricks, or they had an accident in the house… all of these things mean there is just more room for improvement! Take it on as a challenge for you and your pup.


I understand how frustrating it is to continuously work on training and still see slip ups from your dog, but they make mistakes just as us humans do! Especially if they are a puppy, you should not expect perfection at all, they are just babies, learning about the world around them, and how to act in that world. Just keep pushing through, it seems hard now, but the hard part only lasts a few weeks! Soon enough, you will be on the road to bigger tricks, and better behavior.


Even I look back and think about how my puppy, Ollie, used to have accidents in the house. It felt like potty training was never going to end, and that I was outside trying to teach him where to go potty every 30 minutes. However, now I look back, and I realize it was only around 2-3 weeks of intensity. This phase will pass, you just have to keep moving forward, learn to hold in your frustration, and realize it will be over sooner than you realize.


Keeping a positive attitude about training is important, especially if you are going to be the sole teacher for your dog! Just keep working on one task at a time, and continuously practice, not only for your dog, but for your skills as well!
