Some people have mixed opinions regarding the appropriate age to seriously begin training your puppy. We will review both sides of the argument in this post, and then I invite you to discuss in the comments! Let’s begin with discussing why it is beneficial to being training early. To be specific, we will consider early training, as training your puppy between the ages of two months to four months. During this time, your puppy is rapidly learning about the world around them. They are very malleable, and because they are smaller in size, this can help with leash training and walking manners, as they will not be able to pull on their leash as hard. However, there are also downsides, one of the biggest being that a puppy between the ages of two to four months have a very small attention span—it is hard to keep their focus long enough to gain any real results fast. Additionally, regarding potty training, while this does need to start immediately, it should be not