IMPORTANCE of Early Dog Socialization

Alright, so you just got your puppy? Congratulations, but now what? Obviously there is a lot for both the owner and your puppy to learn, but your puppy already knows how to do one of the most important things! Play! This is one of the most important things a puppy can do, as it exercises both a growing mind and a growing body. However, your puppy will be accustomed to playing with their litter mates, and will need to learn that other dogs are safe and fun to play with as well.


Playing and interacting with other dogs outside of the puppy’s litter will encourage a healthy world view and help to build their confidence. Your puppy is experiencing a lot of new sights, smells, sounds, and people, and it is important they are exposed to as much as possible to avoid becoming fearful as they age.


A great resource for socializing any new puppy are puppy playtimes offered by many local pet stores. They are monitored by staff, and are typically free. The stores ensure that all puppies have been properly vetted as well to prevent the spread of illness, fleas, and parasites. Not only will your puppy be able to get their energy out, but they will be forced to become independent as you, the owner, will not be there watching over them. Besides playtime, this is also a great excuse for puppies to be exposed to other experiences such as riding in the car and going into a pet store!


Another great way to socialize your dog is to go on frequent walks! This will expose your puppy to many outdoor sounds such as birds, cars, children, sirens, and more. And when you see someone else walking, let them pet your puppy! This will teach your puppy that strangers are friendly and again, encourage them to not be fearful of them.
