Four Steps for EASY and EFFECTIVE Potty Training

Make sure you have plenty of paper towels, and carpet cleaner before you bring your new furry friend home! Accidents are bound to happen as you learn your puppy’s signals and body language, especially as your puppy is navigating their new environment. Understanding that accidents will happen is considered step one of potty training. Getting angry at your puppy for having an accident in the house actually makes your puppy nervous to go potty at all. They want to make you happy, and they are unsure of where to go, and it is your job as their owner to show them!


This brings us to step two of potty training, showing them where to go potty. Establishing a specific area that is acceptable to go potty is important as it is the best way to show your puppy when it is potty time, and when it is not. It is also important they go potty in the same place every time because the scent they leave behind each time encourages them to go potty in the same place next time.


Step three of potty training involves timing. This is very important early on in order to minimize accidents inside the house. Taking your puppy outside in specific time intervals allows them the most chances to go potty in the right place, outside. It is also especially important to monitor their food and water intake, as this will help you to know when then need to go outside. After a puppy eats or drinks, they will need to go outside 15-30 minutes after.


Finally, for step four, reward your dog for doing it correctly every time. Yes, every time! When they go potty outside, clapping for your puppy and being visibly excited makes them happy and excited also. Even bringing treats outside with you and rewarding them right after they finish their business lets them know that they are doing it right! It is important to present the treat right after they finish going potty so your puppy knows what exactly what action they are being rewarded for.
